Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Movie #92: M

Movie #: 92
Movie Title: M
Year Released: 1931

Director: Fritz Lang
Notable Cast: Peter Lorre, Otto Wernicke, Gustaf Gründgens

Short Description: When the police in a German city are unable to catch a child-murderer, other criminals join in the manhunt. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013) N/A #52 N/A N/A N/A N/A #36

Date Watched: 7/4/2016

Grade: 3.5 out of 5 (Very Good)

Rationale: I was thoroughly impressed with M. For an 85 year old movie the story felt very modern, almost like one you’d find in an episode of Law and Order. Usually I dread old, black and white, foreign films I know nothing about, but M is a perfect example of when you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover (or a movie by certain qualifiers like old and foreign). Though I will rarely advocate for reboots or remakes, M is one that I wouldn’t mind a current director and cast taking a crack at more so to bring light to this version that I’m sure few people know of and everyone should be aware of.

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