Friday, May 20, 2016

The Halfway Point

After three years and four months I'm finally to the halfway point of watching the top 251 movies of all time, albeit much later than I initially wanted. 126 movies have been watched, 125 movies are left to go (hopefully) by the end of 2016.

The back half of the top 251 movies had some rough spots that were hard to power through, but movies that I never thought would be good and movies I'd never even heard of that I ended up loving are what's making this fun. While I don't regret starting this project, in retrospect I should have given myself more time to complete the goal because life happens and arbitrary deadlines for things like movie projects need to be flexible, thus why I'm two years behind schedule.

Thank you to those who have been reading from the very beginning and thank you to those who have started reading along the way. I appreciate everyone that takes the time to support my effort. I'm proud that I've gotten this far and do not plan on stopping until I'm 100% done.


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