Friday, May 27, 2016

Movie #115: Ghostbusters

Movie #: 115
Movie Title: Ghostbusters
Year Released: 1984

Director: Ivan Reitman
Notable Cast: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts

Short Description: Description: Three former parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #23

Note: This is the highest ranking movie that only appears on's list. It’s also the last movie that appears on only one of the seven lists I used to compile the top 251 movies.

Date Watched: 5/26/2016

Grade: 3 out of 5 (Good)

Rationale: Ghostbusters is so beloved by some that I find it hard to criticize it without fear of making people mad. My intent isn’t to rip on the movie and cause that reaction; rather, only to say that I find it to be just good and not spectacular. It’s disappointing that the viewer has to wait until near the end of the movie to finally see all four Ghostbusters together since Winston isn’t part of the team until half way through. Also, I wanted to see more of the Ghostbusters fighting the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, not only because that’s the most comical monster in movie history, but because the fight with it and Gozer is too hurried. Clocking in at one hour and forty-five minutes means there was room for a longer climax without overdoing it.

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