Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rounding Third, Heading For Home

With the completion of movies 51-75 I'm now 80% done with my goal of watching (subjectively) the 251 greatest movies of all time. Though I'm ahead of pace to finish before the end of the year, I've slowed down a bit more than I would have liked over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully I can pick it up again over the last 50 movies as I have my next project already in mind and would like to finish it before the end of 2016 as well.

A while ago I started tracking various statistics regarding the grades I give movies. I'll share what I've compiled in its entirety at the end of my goal, but here are a couple of generalized facts that are too interesting to wait for.

  • If it's not been apparent, I tend to like newer movies more than older movies. Not to say that all newer movies are good and older movies are bad, but the distinction is noticeable and larger than I had anticipated.

  • Three of the seven top 100 lists I used to compile the top 251 movies are substantially worse in terms of average grade compared to the other four top 100 lists, which is shocking given the highly respected sources of two of the "bad" lists.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. As I hoped when the project began, I do feel like a more well-rounded movie lover and a marginally better writer that still overuses some crutch words and phrases. I encourage everyone to challenge themselves with similar goals of self-improvement, even if something it's trivial like watching "the greatest movies ever" or reading classic books.

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