Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Movie #53: Singin' in the Rain

Movie #: 53
Movie Title: Singin' in the Rain
Year Released: 1952

Director: Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen
Notable Cast: Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell, Cyd Charisse

Short Description: A silent film production company and cast make a difficult transition to sound. (IMDB.com)

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013)

AFI.com: #5
IMDB.com: #87
Ranker.com: N/A
Lifed.com: #59
Empire.com: #8
FilmCrave.com: N/A
FlickChart.com: N/A

Date Watched: 9/2/2016

Grade: 3.5 out of 5 (Very Good)

Rationale: There may not be a single movie I've misjudged more going in than Singin' in the Rain. All I knew about it beforehand was the title song that Gene Kelly's Don Lockwood performs on a rainy night in the street and that was enough to treat it like a book with a bad cover. Turns out that Singin' in the Rain is smart, funny, and very entertaining. Both Gene Kelly and especially Donald O'Connor as Cosmo Brown seem like they're flying during the dance scenes because they're moving so fast and effortlessly. Donald O'Connor also provides many laughs as a natural comic relief and mild scene stealer. I'm thankful for this project and the chance to right a wrong with my previously uninformed opinion.

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