Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Movie #54: Blade Runner

Movie #: 54
Movie Title: Blade Runner
Year Released: 1982

Director: Ridley Scott
Notable Cast: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos

Short Description: A blade runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator. (IMDB.com) (IMDB.com)

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013)

AFI.com: #97
IMDB.com: N/A
Ranker.com: #42
Lifed.com: N/A
Empire.com: #20
FilmCrave.com: #72
FlickChart.com: #38

Date Watched: 8/29/2016

Grade: 1.5 out of 5 (Marginal)

Rationale: I don't have words to describe how disappointed I was with Blade Runner. The combination of Harrison Ford and futuristic sci-fi should have been a home run considering how I feel about that combination in Star Wars and how well thought of Blade Runner is. Sadly it just never clicked with me and I found myself disinterested almost from the start. What a shame. I even tried to watch it a second time, thinking I may have not given it a fair shake the first go around and nothing changed. I still love Harrison Ford and I still love sci-fi, but I'll stick to Star Wars from now on and do my best to forget Blade Runner.

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