Thursday, December 29, 2016

Movie Age To Grade Comparison

One of the most obvious facts I confirmed while watching the top 251 movies of all time is that I tend to prefer recent movies to older movies. That's not to say there aren't good older movies or that there aren't bad recent movies. I just feel advances in technology and more refined modern actors make today's offerings generally better than those of yesteryear.

Below is a comparison of movies by decade and the average grade given to the movies in that decade. I'm not surprised that the grade for the 1930's is decent because I know I enjoyed a few of the classics from that era, but the 1960's being as strong as they were compared to the poor showing of the 1940's and 1950's is noteworthy.

Decade# Of MoviesAverage Grade
1910's11 out of 5
1920's52.1 out of 5
1930's132.731 out of 5
1940's212.571 out of 5
1950's272.5 out of 5
1960's282.804 out of 5
1970's302.633 out of 5
1980's383.211 out of 5
1990's383.697 out of 5
2000's413.707 out of 5
2010's94.056 out of 5

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