Thursday, December 29, 2016

Best Picture Oscar Winners

As of the end of 2016 there are 88 movies that have been awarded the Best Picture Oscar at the Academy Awards. Of those 88 movies, 39 appear on the list of the top 251 movies of all time. Of those 39 movies, I had not seen 27 of them previously. That leaves 12 movies on the list that I had seen before. In addition, there are six other Best Picture Oscar winners I've seen that either didn't make the cut (Dances with Wolves, A Beautiful Mind, Chicago) or were released after the top 251 list was compiled (12 Years a Slave, Birdman, Spotlight). Without this project I would likely only be at 18 of 88 seen instead of 45 of 88 seen.

Below are two lists of Best Picture Oscar winners in the top 251 movies of all time and the grade I gave the movie. The first list is of Best Picture Oscar winners that I hadn't previously seen, which had an average grade of 3.074 out of 5, and the second list is of Best Picture Oscar winners that I had seen before, which had an average grade of 4.042 out of 5. Breaking the list into two, along with listing the Best Picture Oscar winners above that I've seen that didn't make the top 251, makes it easier to compare where I was at and where I am now in terms of seeing all of the Best Picture Oscar winners in history. That may be a goal of mine at some point after my addendum project is finished.

Best Picture Oscar Winners I've Not Previously Seen

Movie #Movie TitleMy Grade
1The Godfather (1972)3.5 out of 5
3The Godfather Part II (1974)3 out of 5
4Casablanca (1942)3 out of 5
50Gone with the Wind (1939)3.5 out of 5
52The Departed (2006)3.5 out of 5
55Braveheart (1995)5 out of 5
56Lawrence of Arabia (1962)2.5 out of 5
67American Beauty (1999)3 out of 5
72The Apartment (1960)3.5 out of 5
81On the Waterfront (1954)2.5 out of 5
99Unforgiven (1992)3 out of 5
102Annie Hall (1977)1 out of 5
112The Sound of Music (1965)2 out of 5
113All About Eve (1950)3.5 out of 5
114It Happened One Night (1934)3 out of 5
128The King's Speech (2010)3 out of 5
130The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)2.5 out of 5
131The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)2.5 out of 5
133Platoon (1986)3.5 out of 5
139Midnight Cowboy (1969)3 out of 5
154The Deer Hunter (1978)2.5 out of 5
164Amadeus (1984)4 out of 5
202In the Heat of the Night (1967)3.5 out of 5
226Rain Man (1988)3.5 out of 5
237The French Connection (1971)2.5 out of 5
250The Sting (1973)4 out of 5
251Ben-Hur (1959)3 out of 5

Best Picture Oscar Winners I've Seen Before

Movie #Movie TitleMy Grade
6Schindler's List (1993)4.5 out of 5
14One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)3.5 out of 5
21The Silence of the Lambs (1991)3.5 out of 5
24The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)5 out of 5
26Forrest Gump (1994)5 out of 5
58Gladiator (2000)5 out of 5
84Rocky (1976)3 out of 5
93No Country for Old Men (2007)3 out of 5
108Titanic (1997)5 out of 5
119Slumdog Millionaire (2008)4.5 out of 5
152West Side Story (1961)2 out of 5
212Argo (2012)4.5 out of 5

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