Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Movie #102: Annie Hall

Movie #: 102
Movie Title: Annie Hall
Year Released: 1977

Director: Woody Allen
Notable Cast: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane, Paul Simon, Janet Margolin, Shelley Duvall, Christopher Walken, Colleen Dewhurst

Short Description: Neurotic New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditzy Annie Hall. (IMDB.com)

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013)

AFI.com: #35
IMDB.com: N/A
Ranker.com: N/A
Lifed.com: N/A
Empire.com: #68
FilmCrave.com: N/A
FlickChart.com: N/A

Date Watched: 6/12/2016

Grade: 1 out of 5 (Poor)

Rationale: Here are some of the things I’d rather listen to than Woody Allen’s voice for one more second: the slow, cracking sound of my bones breaking one at a time, my computer being repeatedly crushed by a semi-truck going forward and reverse on it, 100 dentist drills drilling on a chalk board with nails for their tips, and an hour long concert of William Hung attempting to sing opera. I loathe Woody Allen more than any other actor in Hollywood and pray I never have to watch another one of his movies. If that doesn’t adequately describe how I feel about this movie, I don’t know what will.

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