Thursday, June 27, 2013

Movie #220: Blue Velvet

Movie #: 220
Movie Title: Blue Velvet
Year Released: 1986

Director: David Lynch
Notable Cast: Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern

Short Description: The gruesome discovery of a severed human ear he found in a field leads a young man on a dark and dangerous journey into a dark and sinister underworld that exists in his hometown. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #85 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/4/2013

What I Liked: I recognized one of the actors from Jurassic Park.

What I Disliked: Everything. First, a guy with no police training finds an ear and thinks “hey, I’ll play detective and solve this mystery” instead of “this ear was severed for a reason, maybe I should back off”. Then, he illegally enters a suspect’s home to spy on them and ends up having a sexual relationship with the suspect, who turns out to be a married victim of extortion. After learning all of that, he tries to help her escape this life rather than going to the police and letting them do their job, almost resulting in her death. All of this happens while he’s being a pedophile by hitting on a high school girl who happens to be the daughter of a law enforcement agent and she herself is in a relationship already. There is a point where manufactured drama can make a movie interesting, but this movie fell way short in my opinion.

Grade: 1 out of 5 (Poor)
Rationale: Decent acting wasn’t enough to save this movie from its abysmal, ill-conceived plot.

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