Thursday, June 27, 2013

Movie #212: Argo

Movie #: 212
Movie Title: Argo
Year Released: 2012

Director: Ben Affleck
Notable Cast: Ben Affleck, Brian Cranston, John Goodman, Alan Arkin

Short Description: A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out a revolutionary Iran. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #82 N/A

Date Watched: 6/13/2013

What I Liked: If you know the history of the Iranian hostage crisis, you’ll know how this movie ends. That said, I was still on the edge of my seat from the moment the escapees arrived at the airport, especially when they were taken off for interrogation. Based on the pictures of the real life escapees that rolled during the credits next to pictures of the actors and actresses that played them, the casting and makeup for this movie was exceptional. The people in the movie ended up being spitting images of their real life counterparts. Ben Affleck, Jeff Goodman, and Alan Arkin have great onscreen chemistry together and I would love to see them do another movie together.

What I Disliked: While I generally like Brian Cranston and the job he does as an actor, I thought he overacted his role in the latter part of the movie. Nothing to do with the movie itself but I was upset that Ben Affleck was snubbed by the Oscars and didn’t receive a nomination for Best Director.

Grade: 4.5 out of 5 (Outstanding)
Rationale: This Best Picture winning movie was arguably my favorite that I saw in theaters last year and I’m happy that it made it onto my 251 list so I could watch it again so soon.

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