Thursday, June 27, 2013

Movie #211: Wild Strawberries

Movie #: 211
Movie Title: Wild Strawberries
Year Released: 1957

Director: Ingmar Bergman
Notable Cast: Victor Sjöström, Bibi Anderson, Ingrid Thulin, Gunner Björnstrand

Short Description: After living a life marked by coldness, an aging professor is forced to confront the emptiness of his existence. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A #81 N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 6/22/2013

What I Liked: The acting in general was well done, especially by Victor Sjöström and Ingrid Thulin. The inclusion of the fighting married couple was a great metaphor for what life would be like for Ingrid Thulin and Gunner Björnstrand’s characters if they didn’t work out their differences and learn to love each other again.

What I Disliked: The events of Wild Strawberries are portrayed to take course over a day, which makes it seem unrealistic that someone could atone for all of life’s faults that quickly. The biggest problem I had was not with the movie but with the disk itself; namely, someone’s commentary talked over the entire movie, forcing me to watch it on mute at times because I wasn’t interested in random commentary.

Grade: 2.5 out of 5 (Satisfactory)
Rationale: Present day scenes were fine, but the flashbacks were hard to follow because characters in them were not well defined.

Movie #212: Argo

Movie #: 212
Movie Title: Argo
Year Released: 2012

Director: Ben Affleck
Notable Cast: Ben Affleck, Brian Cranston, John Goodman, Alan Arkin

Short Description: A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out a revolutionary Iran. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #82 N/A

Date Watched: 6/13/2013

What I Liked: If you know the history of the Iranian hostage crisis, you’ll know how this movie ends. That said, I was still on the edge of my seat from the moment the escapees arrived at the airport, especially when they were taken off for interrogation. Based on the pictures of the real life escapees that rolled during the credits next to pictures of the actors and actresses that played them, the casting and makeup for this movie was exceptional. The people in the movie ended up being spitting images of their real life counterparts. Ben Affleck, Jeff Goodman, and Alan Arkin have great onscreen chemistry together and I would love to see them do another movie together.

What I Disliked: While I generally like Brian Cranston and the job he does as an actor, I thought he overacted his role in the latter part of the movie. Nothing to do with the movie itself but I was upset that Ben Affleck was snubbed by the Oscars and didn’t receive a nomination for Best Director.

Grade: 4.5 out of 5 (Outstanding)
Rationale: This Best Picture winning movie was arguably my favorite that I saw in theaters last year and I’m happy that it made it onto my 251 list so I could watch it again so soon.

Movie #213: The Great Escape

Movie #: 213
Movie Title: The Great Escape
Year Released: 1963

Director: John Sturges
Notable Cast: Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson, James Donald, Donald Pleasence, James Coburn

Short Description: Allied POWs plan for several hundred of their number to escape from a German camp during World War II. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #82 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 6/11/2013

What I Liked: Though there were a lot of different characters in the movie, they all seemed to have a fair amount of screen time and a chance to develop their characters. I thought Richard Attenborough was particularly good and it was a nice surprise when I found out that he was John Hammond in Jurassic Park. When the main characters do escape, I was pleased that the movie showed a resolution for each one, whether it was recapture, freedom, or death.

What I Disliked: Given that this movie was based on a true story and I don’t feel like researching how much of it was true, it’s hard to argue with it. That said, knowing some history of WWII, I was amazed to see the POWs were treated generally well their German captors and supplies that one would think wouldn’t be available to them were indeed easily accessible. It’s not really something I disliked, but I don’t understand how Steve McQueen gets top billing for this movie when there are many others, like Richard Attenborough, that have larger roles and more screen time. I know Steve McQueen was a big name back in the day, but if that’s the only reason he got top billing that doesn’t seem right.

Grade: 3.5 out of 5 (Very Good)
Rationale: Though three hours is long for a movie, The Great Escape used the time well to develop characters you care about and to tell a story without skimping on detail.

Movie #214: Brazil

Movie #: 214
Movie Title: Brazil
Year Released: 1985

Director: Terry Gilliam
Notable Cast: Jonathan Price, Kim Greist, Robert De Niro, Ian Holm, Michael Palin, Bob Hoskins

Short Description: A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #83 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 6/5/2013

What I Liked: I have a fascination with futuristic movies and how man and technology are portrayed, so the setting for this movie is something I figured I’d like. What I wasn’t expecting was a future that’s somewhat advanced compared to our present and seemingly in ruin at the same time, mostly due to an overbearing, excessively procedural government. I thought it was a refreshing take on the future.

What I Disliked: I thought the scenes when Jonathan Price’s character, Sam Lowry, was either dreaming or daydreaming were beyond weird. I get that this world that the live in is odd, to say the least, in every way compared to ours, but when he’s flying around looking like Icarus from Greek mythology or when he’s fighting a giant robot-like samurai, those are “what the hell is going on” moments.

Grade: 2.5 out of 5 (Satisfactory)
Rationale: An odd take on the future that at times is enjoyable because it’s different and not so enjoyable other times because how bizarre it can be.

Movie #215: Groundhog Day

Movie #: 215
Movie Title: Groundhog Day
Year Released: 1993

Director: Harold Ramis
Notable Cast: Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky

Short Description: A weatherman finds himself living the same day over and over again. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A #83 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/27/2013

What I Liked: Bill Murray was flawless in this movie. There isn’t a point in the movie where I wasn’t entertained by his attempts to repeat the same day in a different way. It’s possible that Groundhog Day could have gotten by with a different actor just because it’s so well written, but Murray brings something special to role. His interactions with insurance salesman who used to be his schoolmate are the best.

What I Disliked: I thought the ending came on suddenly and given that Murray was learning lessons about how to deal with and treat others through the movie, I was expecting some sort of “moral of the story” at the end, which I didn’t see happen.

Grade: 4 out of 5 (Excellent)
Rationale: Groundhog Day shines because of a fantastically well written story and a brilliant acting job by Bill Murray.

Movie #216: Airplane!

Movie #: 216
Movie Title: Airplane!
Year Released: 1980

Director: Jim Abrahams and David Zucker
Notable Cast: Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Leslie Nielson, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Robert Stack, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Short Description: An airplane crew takes ill. Surely the only person capable of landing the plain is an ex-pilot afraid to fly. But don’t call him Shirley. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A #84 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/27/2013

What I Liked: The funniest part of the movie is when the kid who’s invited up to the cockpit accuses Roger Murdock of being Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. It’s rare when a movie breaks from convention and points out that it’s a movie or its stars are actually actors and Airplane! did it in a perfect way with Kareem. The stewardess addressing the two passengers in jive was also great.

What I Disliked: Knowing that Airplane! is considered by many to be among the funniest movies there is, I went in with high expectations. Sadly, it wasn’t as funny as I hoped. Other than the two parts I mentioned that I liked, I’ve either seen bits of the movie before so it wasn’t a new experience (ex. “and don’t call me Shirley) or the laughs just plain weren’t there (ex. Leslie Neilson’s character continually popping his head into the cockpit to unintentionally put pressure on Robert Hays’ character).

Grade: 3 out of 5 (Good)
Rationale: Though I was slightly disappointed and expected more laughs, Airplane! was funny at points and just ok the rest of the time.

Movie #218: Gran Torino

Movie #: 218
Movie Title: Gran Torino
Year Released: 2008

Director: Clint Eastwood
Notable Cast: Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Ahney Her, Christopher Carley

Short Description: Disgruntled Korean War vet Walt Kowalski sets out to reform his neighbor, a young Hmong teenager, who tried to steal Kowalski’s prized possession: his 1972 Gran Torino. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #84 N/A

Date Watched: 5/22/2013

What I Liked: In a way, I could relate to Clint Eastwood’s character, Walt. Don’t get me wrong, I hope I’m never that crotchety and mean-spirited, but aspects of his character, both good and bad, are things I can relate to. That feeling makes this movie truly special in my eyes. The ability to not only understand a character but to feel a connection is powerful. His gradual evolution into a caring soul was handled spectacularly, culminating in his redemption of character through sacrifice in the end.

What I Disliked: A minor note was that at times Eastwood’s speech was difficult to understand because of his gravely tone, but it wasn’t often.

Grade: 4.5 out of 5 (Outstanding)
Rationale: With a fantastic story and great depth in its characters, this is one of my new personal favorites and the best movie I’ve seen to date on my list of 251.

Movie #219: A Night at the Opera

Movie #: 219
Movie Title: A Night at the Opera
Year Released: 1935

Director: Sam Wood
Notable Cast: Groucho Marx, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx

Short Description: A sly business manager and two wacky friends of two opera singers help them achieve success while humiliating their stuffy and snobbish enemies. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists #85 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/21/2013

What I Liked:

What I Disliked: No, I didn’t forget to put anything in the “What I Liked” section. There simply was nothing in this movie I cared for. I was excited going in knowing I would finally get to see a Marx brothers movie after knowing for a long time that they ruled the big screen in their day as the kings of comedy. Not only were they not funny, but I was so disinterested that I spaced out at times. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog post, there is definitely a disconnect between what was once funny and what is now funny.

Grade: 1 out of 5 (Poor)
Rationale: Probably the worst movie I’ve seen to date since none of the others were so bad that I stopped paying attention.

Movie #220: Blue Velvet

Movie #: 220
Movie Title: Blue Velvet
Year Released: 1986

Director: David Lynch
Notable Cast: Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern

Short Description: The gruesome discovery of a severed human ear he found in a field leads a young man on a dark and dangerous journey into a dark and sinister underworld that exists in his hometown. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #85 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/4/2013

What I Liked: I recognized one of the actors from Jurassic Park.

What I Disliked: Everything. First, a guy with no police training finds an ear and thinks “hey, I’ll play detective and solve this mystery” instead of “this ear was severed for a reason, maybe I should back off”. Then, he illegally enters a suspect’s home to spy on them and ends up having a sexual relationship with the suspect, who turns out to be a married victim of extortion. After learning all of that, he tries to help her escape this life rather than going to the police and letting them do their job, almost resulting in her death. All of this happens while he’s being a pedophile by hitting on a high school girl who happens to be the daughter of a law enforcement agent and she herself is in a relationship already. There is a point where manufactured drama can make a movie interesting, but this movie fell way short in my opinion.

Grade: 1 out of 5 (Poor)
Rationale: Decent acting wasn’t enough to save this movie from its abysmal, ill-conceived plot.

Movie #221: Carrie

Movie #: 221
Movie Title: Carrie
Year Released: 1976

Director: Brian De Palma
Notable Cast: Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, John Travolta, William Katt

Short Description: A young, abused and timid 17-year-old girl discovers she has telekinesis, and gets pushed to the limit on the night of her school’s prom by a humiliating prank. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #86 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 5/2/2013

What I Liked: I found the only entertaining parts to be the prom scene and when, in a dream, Carrie’s hand bursts out of the rubble of her burned and demolished house. Even though you could see something like that coming, it still made me jump, which is something few movies have done.

What I Disliked: For a movie that supposedly is a staple of the horror genre, I was bored for the majority of it. Thankfully the movie wasn’t terribly long and the last 20ish minutes were decent cause I really don’t know if I would have been able to pay attention much longer.

Grade: 2 out of 5 (Fair)
Rationale: Other than the last 20 minutes, quite a letdown for a movie typically billed as a must see horror film.

Movie #222: The King of Comedy

Movie #: 222
Movie Title: The King of Comedy
Year Released: 1983

Director: Martin Scorsese
Notable Cast: Robert De Niro, Jerry Lewis, Diahnne Abbott, Sandra Bernhard

Short Description: Aspiring comic Rupert Pupkin wants to achieve success in showbiz, by resorting to stalking his idol, a late night talk show host who craves his own privacy. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #87 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 4/13/2013

What I Liked: Sandra Bernhard played an excellent co-stalker of Jerry Lewis’ character, almost like being a creepy stalker came natural to her.

What I Disliked: All the buildup in the movie is definitely not worth it when De Niro’s character finally gets a chance to show his boring, unfunny act. It’s no wonder why the screeners for the talk show were in a hurry to push him out the door.

Grade: 2.5 out of 5 (Satisfactory)
Rationale: Probably a better grade than the movie deserves but Sandra Bernhard made her parts very entertaining.