Thursday, May 9, 2013

Movie #230: Metropolis

Movie #: 230
Movie Title: Metropolis
Year Released: 1927

Director: Fritz Lang
Notable Cast: Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Frohlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge

Short Description: In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city’s mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A #90 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 3/10/2013

What I Liked: At times the music was enjoyable.

What I Disliked: Everything else. At many points I wanted to cheat on this project by stopping the movie and not finishing it but I endured just to say I’ve seen arguably my least favorite movie ever. It’s a shame too because the only information I had about this movie going in was the short description on the Netflix DVD sleeve it was sent to me in and that made the premise sound fascinating compared to IMDB’s description. I actually had to watch most of the movie a second night because I fell asleep less than half way through. I’ve enjoyed plenty of movies that are old or foreign or black and white so maybe it was the silent part mixed with terrible acting and a different expectation of the premise that did me in.

Grade: 1 out of 5 (Poor)
Rationale: 86 year old black and white silent foreign film with bad acting and mislead expectations sums it up.

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