Thursday, May 9, 2013

Movie #227: Magnolia

Movie #: 227
Movie Title: Magnolia
Year Released: 1999

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Notable Cast: Tom Cruise, Jason Robards, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, John C. Reilly, Philip Baker Hall, Alfred Molina

Short Description: An epic mosaic of several interrelated characters in search of happiness, forgiveness, and meaning in the San Fernando Valley. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A #89 N/A N/A

Date Watched: 4/2/2013

What I Liked: It took a while to get there, but by the end of the movie I was totally engrossed in all of the characters. Each one was flawed in a different way and their struggles to fix themselves emotionally were moving. I can’t think of one actor that didn’t give a strong performance.

What I Disliked: I understand characters and stories have to be setup, but at the time I saw it the first half of the movie felt pointless and tough to watch because none of the characters or stories were connected yet and the movie relies on those connection. In a movie that I could see as being totally realistic, the raining of frogs at the very end seemed out of place and unnecessary, regardless of if there was a deeper meaning behind it.

Grade: 3 out of 5 (Good)
Rationale: The second half of the movie was outstanding and redeemed, what I thought, was a subpar first half

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