Monday, March 21, 2016

Movie #228: The Conversation

Movie #: 228
Movie Title: The Conversation
Year Released: 1974

Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Notable Cast: Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Cindy Williams, Harrison Ford, Robert Duvall

Short Description: A paranoid and personally-secretive surveillance expert has a crisis of conscience when he suspects that a couple he is spying on will be murdered. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #89

Date Watched: 3/30/2013

What I Liked: I had never seen a movie with Harrison Ford that was made before the first original Star Wars movie so it was a pleasant surprise to see he was in this, even though his screen time was limited. The movie started out with a bit of suspense as Hackman and his team were already in the middle of their spy job.

What I Disliked: What’s fun is as I’m typing my thought that the movie was super slow, in my head I’m consciously saying it as slow as I can. By the time I found out what the demons were that haunted Gene Hackman’s character, I had already lost interest and just wanted the movie to be over.

Grade: 1.5 out of 5 (Marginal)
Adjusted Grade: 2 out of 5 (Fair)
Rationale: Too slow for me which I felt hurt the strong potential the premise had.

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