Monday, February 21, 2022

Revisiting The Composite 251

A little more than five years has passed since I completed this project and, as things tend to do over time, my taste in movies has evolved. I tend to see far less turn-your-brain-off kind of movies and much more of the critically acclaimed fare that sweeps through award season.

To compare movies for this project I originally used a nine point ranking system (for some reason I didn't include 0.5 out of 5 but did include all other half numbers) where a 1 out of 5 was the equivalent of Poor and 5 out of 5 was Exceptional. While there is definitely some merit to ranking things using half points, I find it increasingly difficult, for example, to determine what's a 3.5 out of 5 and what's a 4 out of 5. The line has simply blurred too much.

I want to revisit this project for two reasons. First, to update the movies based on how my tastes have changed in five years. I don't know if much will need to be adjusted, but I'm sure I'll find movies that I think more highly now than I did from 2013-2016 and, conversely, movies I don't think well of any longer. Second, I want to simplify the rankings and go with a straight five point scale where 5 is I Love It, 4 is I Like It, 3 is It's Ok, 2 is I Don't Care For It, and 1 is I Hate It. This may be more difficult to do than I imagine, especially for movies I haven't seen in nine years and don't remember well or at all, but it will be a good exercise for me to do.

I'm not giving myself a deadline to complete the re-rank, but hopefully it'll be done within the next couple of weeks. As always, I appreciate anyone that takes their time to read my posts.

P.S. I hate the title for this blog and have for a long time. I understand why I chose it, because I was combining seven top 100 lists into one to form one composite list of the best movies of all time, but not referencing the word "movies" or "films" or anything like that seems like a poor decision. Oh well.

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