Sunday, October 30, 2016

Movie #39: Raging Bull

Movie #: 39
Movie Title: Raging Bull
Year Released: 1980

Director: Martin Scorsese
Notable Cast: Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Cathy Moriarty, Nicholas Colasanto, Theresa Saldana, Frank Vincent

Short Description: An emotionally self-destructive boxer's journey through life, as the violence and temper that leads him to the top in the ring destroys his life outside it. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013) #4 #100 #62 #64 #11 #73 #77

Date Watched: 10/8/2016

Grade: 3 out of 5 (Good)

Rationale: I know this will disappoint some people, but I thought Raging Bull was just ok. There are other boxing movies and other Robert De Niro movies that I like more and would rather watch again than a second viewing of Raging Bull. I love the chemistry that exists between De Niro and Joe Pesci, but even that's better in Casino. Nothing about Raging Bull was bad, but other than the De Niro and Pesci dynamic, nothing stands out in my opinion.

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