Thursday, March 7, 2019

Movie #66: To Kill a Mockingbird

Movie #: 66
Movie Title: To Kill a Mockingbird
Year Released: 1962

Director: Robert Mulligan
Notable Cast: Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Ruth White, Paul Fix, Brock Peters, Frank Overton

Short Description: Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his kids against prejudice. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013) #28 #68 #89 #66 N/A #66 N/A

Date Watched: 8/12/2016

Grade: 3.5 out of 5 (Very Good)

Rationale: To Kill a Mockingbird is a movie with two totally different stories going on at the same time and my feelings on them are polar opposites. I'm not a fan at all of anything related to Boo Radley and Scout and Jem's attempts to see what he looks like. I'm sure there's symbolism and importance in it that I'm not getting, even with Boo being important to the end of the movie, but it didn't click and wasn't for me. Everything involving the trial of Tom Robinson was superb and Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch delivers one of the most stirring and important speeches in cinematic history when addressing the jury in his closing arguments. That scene alone makes this a top movie in my mind.

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