Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Movie #179: Harold and Maude

Movie #: 179
Movie Title: Harold and Maude
Year Released: 1971

Director: Hal Ashby
Notable Cast: Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles, Charles Tyner

Short Description: Young, rich, and obsessed with death, Harold finds himself changed forever when he meets lively septuagenarian Maude at a funeral. (IMDB.com)

Rank on the Top 100 Lists (as of 1/7/2013)

AFI.com: N/A
IMDB.com: N/A
Ranker.com: N/A
Lifed.com: N/A
Empire.com: #65
FilmCrave.com: N/A
FlickChart.com: N/A

Date Watched: 1/25/2016

Grade: 1.5 out of 5 (Marginal)

Rationale: It’s possible Harold and Maude is a very artsy, deep movie and I’m too low brow to understand it. I’d like the think, though, that Harold and Maude is a piece of garbage. The last half of the movie is watchable until the very end and mildly amusing in brief moments, but to have to sit through the first half isn’t fair. I thought Harold and his obsession with death and attempts at faking his suicide was just flat out stupid and not entertaining in the slightest way. Maude twice screwing with the police officer on the bridge was comical but her circumstances at the end of the movie left me frustratingly confused after I started to like her character. I want those two hours back.

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