Saturday, February 2, 2013

Movie #242: The Last Picture Show

Movie #: 242
Movie Title: The Last Picture Show
Year Released: 1971

Director: Peter Bogdanovich
Notable Cast: Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges, Cybill Shepherd, Ben Johnson, Cloris Leachman

Short Description: A group of 1950’s high schoolers come of age in a bleak, isolated, atrophied West Texas town that is slowly dying, both economically and culturally. (

Rank on the Top 100 Lists #95 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Date Watched: 1/31/2013

What I Liked: Overall I thought the movie was well acted and the characters’ stories were well developed. In particular I was fascinated watching a young Jeff Bridges as I’ve always meant to see his movies but haven’t had the chance. I got a kick out of how the times have changed and how back in the day offering cigarettes and alcohol to high schoolers was ok, the gym teacher hitting slackers and calling them piss-ants was not frowned upon, and parents inquired about their high schoolers sex lives with almost a hint of jealousy rather than anger or disappointment.

What I Disliked: Promiscuous boob. With the amount of sleeping around a cheating that was going on throughout the movie, especially with Cybill Shephard’s character Jacy Farrow, you’d think was I was watching a very old softcore porn movie but with an actual story to it. I kept waiting for Sonny Crawford, played by Timothy Bottoms, to get caught sleeping with his gym teacher/coach’s wife but that never happened. It wasn’t explained why Sonny stayed after graduating when his best friend and crush/girlfriend/wife/estranged wife both left their dying town.

Grade: 2.5 out of 5 (Satisfactory)
Rationale: I really didn’t love it or hate it; it was just ok.

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