Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome to The Composite 251

Welcome to The Composite 251, a blog dedicated to my goal of watching the greatest movies of all time.

As long as I can remember I've been a fan of movies. Whether it be a drama from 1939 or a comedy from 2012, good acting, a strong story, and a beautiful soundtrack have the power to captivate me in a way that makes the problems of the world disappear for a short time.

Around 2007 I stumbled across a list from the American Film Institute (AFI) of their top 100 movies of all time. I'll admit I was embarrassed at how few of those movies I had seen. Most were old and, because of that, not something I had interest in watching and others were not what I would have considered to be "up my alley". After studying the list I decided I needed more culture in my life and that someday I would watch all the films I hadn't already seen.

Flash forward to December of 2012. While at a family gathering, I was having a conversation with my wife's cousin, Josh, and somehow the topic of movies was brought up. He began telling me about a goal he was starting: by the end of 2014 he would watch all of the top 250 movies on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) website. I in turn mentioned that I had a similar goal but had never gotten around to starting it.

As the days went by and the 2013 rolled in, I thought more and more about my long neglected goal. I looked up the AFI list and noticed that it had not been updated since 2007, which meant many of the great films from the past 5-6 years wouldn't be included. Not satisfied by using one slightly outdated list, I set out to make my own list of the top movies truly of all time.

Using the top 100 movies on AFI.com and IMDB.com as a starting point, I initially wanted to make a top 100 list that was a consensus of as many quality lists as I could find. My search lead me to top 100 lists on Ranker.com, Lifed.com, Empire.com, FilmCrave.com, and FlickChart.com. Using the top 100 lists from these 7 websites, I ended up with a list of 251 unique movies, all with at least one vote on any of the 7 lists. Then, using a formula I devised based on an individual movie's rank on each of the 7 lists, I built a composite list of the top 251 movies in order of average rank.

If that last part loses you a bit, I apologize. In short, I combined 7 smaller lists into 1 large list. Not an easy process to do, but it's fascinating when you see how one site ranks a movie very high in their top 100 and then another site doesn't even rank the movie.

Now, I'm not going to set a date of when I would like to be done with my goal. Obviously sooner is better than later but I understand that things come up and the goal is not exactly top priority. If I could do it before Josh accomplishes his goal, I think it will feel a bit sweeter, especially since I'm watching an additional movie and I took a large amount of time to build my list. Sadly, this may take a while because 184 of the 251 have to be rented using Netflix's DVD service.

Starting at #251 and working my way to #1, with each movie I will post the date I watched it, a comment about what I liked (if anything) and disliked (if anything), and my personal grade from 1-5; 1 being low and 5 being high.

I hope you enjoy my thoughts on the top 251 movies of all time.



  1. Great idea. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the movies.

  2. Good luck, honey! I'm glad you're finally getting to start working towards this goal that you've had since I met you. I'll watch as many of them with you as I can. I gotta say, I hope the rest are way better than #247 cuz this one is really bad. :/


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