Tuesday, January 3, 2017

...The End

It's finally over. Four years after I began the longest and most time consuming project of my life I've accomplished watching the top 251 movies of all time. As I've stated in updates along the way, there were points were I honestly thought I wouldn't finish this project and even I'm a bit surprised I did, albeit two years after when I had initially planned on finishing. Thank you to everyone that's read my blog posts and commented when I share them on Facebook. Knowing that people take the time to at least glance at what I have to say is humbling and I appreciate it very much.

So now that I'm done, what's next? I teased a while back that I had my next project already in mind and I feel it piggybacks on this one very well.

Starting with the review I did for movie #185 I added "(as of 1/7/2013)" after "Rank on the Top 100 Lists" to each of my blogs. The reason was I was three years into the project at that point and I didn't want to imply that the rankings on those top 100 lists were still current. What I didn't realize is that set me up to create an addendum to my project in which I go back and watch movies that would have moved into the top 251 over the last four years.

Of the seven top 100 lists I used, only four of them are regularly updated. A fifth, the list from AFI.com, potentially has an update coming out in 2017 as it's updated every 10 years and was last updated in 2007. I will be using the four lists that have been regularly updated to watch the movies that weren't part of the initial top 251. If AFI.com updates theirs as well, I will watch the movies from that list too that weren't part of the initial top 251. I will still do my best to write blog posts and I will attempt to do the addendum in a timely manner, but I won't set a hard target date.

In addition, below are links to posts for random facts and statistics regarding the top 251 list. There are quite a few things I found interesting while looking at the spreadsheet I've been maintaining and I thought it would be fun to share that information.

What will happen after the addendum is complete? Who knows. I see enough movies in theaters that I could start to blog about those, even if it's just my thoughts and not a professional movie review. Let's get to that point first and determine if there's motivation left in the tank and enough readers to justify the effort.

My Top 100 From The Top 251 List - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/my-top-100-from-top-251-list.html

Movies I Had Previously Seen - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/movies-i-had-previously-seen.html

Movies I Hadn't Seen Before - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/movies-i-hadnt-seen-before.html

Best Picture Oscar Winners - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/best-picture-oscar-winners.html

The Seven Top 100 Lists Comparison - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-seven-top-100-lists-comparison.html

25 Movie Block Comparison - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/25-movie-block-comparison.html

Movie Age To Grade Comparison - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/movie-age-to-grade-comparison.html

Top Graded Movies By Year - http://thecomposite251.blogspot.com/2016/12/top-graded-movies-by-year.html

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Seven Top 100 Lists Comparison

To compile the list of the top 251 movies of all time I settled on using the top 100 lists from seven different websites. While it took a lot of effort to find, combine, rank, and sort seven lists worth of movies, doing so gave me more thorough results that were not biased by the opinion of just one source.

Below is a comparison of the seven top 100 lists by average year and by average grade given to the movies in each top 100 list. For a long time the lists from Empire.com, FlickChart.com, and particularly AFI.com had very low average grades and my running joke was that if I watched a bad movie, likely it was in the top 251 because of those three top 100 lists. The list from FilmCrave.com had an excellent average grade almost from the start and I usually looked forward to watching movies from that list.

Top 100 ListAverage GradeAverage Year
FilmCrave.com3.682 out of 51989
Ranker.com3.586 out of 51985
Lifed.com3.505 out of 51981
IMDB.com3.48 out of 51980
FlickChart.com3.17 out of 51970
Empire.com3.07 out of 51976
AFI.com (2007 list)2.915 out of 51963